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Developer Guide

Development & Contribution guide for Developers looking to customize crater for their own projects or contribute to the development of crater.


  1. Clone the repository from github
  2. Install Yarn globally if you haven't installed that already , for more information please refer this link
  3. After installing Yarn globally , run yarn command inside your cloned folder, it will download all the required dependencies.
  4. Run yarn dev to generate the public files (do yarn build if you wish to use it on production).
  5. Install composer to your system and run composer install inside your cloned folder to install all laravel/php dependencies.
  6. Create an .env file by running the following command: cp .env.example .env. Or alternately you can just copy .env.example file to the same folder and re-name it to .env.
  7. run command: php artisan key:generate to generate a unique application key.
  8. Open the link to the domain in the browser (Example: and complete the installation wizard as directed.