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Manual Installation


PHP >= 7.4.0
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
cURL PHP Extension
DOM PHP Extension
Filter PHP Extension
Iconv PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Session PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
ZIP PHP Extension

Step 1 : Download

Download the latest Crater package.

Alternatively, If you are a developer, follow the installation steps for your project on this Link

Step 2 : Upload to Server

Upload the downloaded zip file to your Server and unzip it, you should see the Crater folder.

Step 3 : Point the domain to the uploaded folder

Point your domain or subdomain to the public directory inside the Crater folder.

Please note that, Crater must be installed on a primary domain or subdomain. Installing on a sub-folder will not work, for example:

  • (Invalid)
  • localhost/crater (Invalid)
  • (Valid)
  • (Valid)
  • crater.test (Valid)

Step 3: Fix File Permissions

In your crater root folder, run command: chmod -R 775 ./

Step 4 : Complete installation wizard

Open the link to the domain in the browser (Example: and complete the installation wizard as directed.

Docker Installation

Step 1 : Install Docker

Install Docker on your host:

Step 2 : Install Docker Compose

Install docker-compose by using this guide:

Step 3 : Clone repository

Clone the repository by running this command: git clone

Step 4 : Run below commands

Change your current working directory and run your app using below commands:

$ cd crater
$ cp .env.example .env
$ docker-compose up -d
$ ./docker-compose/

Step 5 : Complete installation wizard

Open your web browser and go to your given domain (default: http://localhost) and follow the installation wizard.

On Installation wizard - Database setup, use below credentials:

  • Database Host: db
  • Database Name: crater
  • Database Username: crater
  • Database Password: crater

Digital Ocean (Docker)



Step 1 : Clone repository

Clone the repository by running these commands:

cd ~
git clone

Step 2: Verify Permissions

Please verify that your current user's UID matches with given UID on docker-compose.yml file in the application's root folder:

        user: crater-user
        uid: 1000

If it doesn't match, Update the compose.yml file before going ahead with step 3.

Hint: You can get the UID by running id command in the terminal (Note: If you don't do this step correctly, then you may get an error on step 4).

Step 3 : Setup docker containers

Change your current working directory and start containers using the given commands below:

$ cd crater
$ cp .env.example .env
$ docker-compose up -d

Step 4 : Install composer depencies & generate app key

Now wait for a few minutes until the containers are built and started. After that run the below script command to install composer dependencies & generate unique application key:

$ ./docker-compose/

Step 5 : Complete installation wizard

Open your web browser and go to your given domain and follow the installation wizard.

On Installation wizard - Database setup, use below credentials:

  • Database Host: db
  • Database Name: crater
  • Database Username: crater
  • Database Password: crater